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The Government


Executive Power in Slovakia

The Government

The Government of the Slovak Republic exercises executive authority in Slovakia. It is led by the Prime Minister, who presides over it and his or her Deputies. The Government is responsible for carrying out the laws passed by the National Council of the Slovak Republic, and for representing Slovakia in international relations.

The Prime Minister

The Prime Minister is the head of the Government. He or she is appointed by the President of the Slovak Republic, with the consent of the National Council. The Prime Minister then appoints the Deputy Prime Ministers and other members of the Government. The Prime Minister is responsible for leading the Government and setting its agenda. He or she also represents Slovakia in international relations.

The Deputy Prime Ministers

The Deputy Prime Ministers assist the Prime Minister in leading the Government. They are responsible for specific areas of government policy, such as economic development, foreign affairs, or social welfare.

Other Members of the Government

The other members of the Government are ministers who are responsible for specific areas of government policy. They are appointed by the Prime Minister, with the consent of the National Council. The Government is responsible for carrying out the laws passed by the National Council of the Slovak Republic, and for representing Slovakia in international relations.

